Saturday, September 11, 2004

How good am I?

I have been thinking and blasting myself really hard the past year or two about how lil improvement (relatively) I've had playing the guitar. Tried a few things here and there, tried new ways of doing old things and stuff like that. But despite all that, i felt like i wasn't good enough at all. That's really kinda disheartening and all when there's just something that I can't do properly or at least can't do well enough.

So here i was demonstrating something at FGA KL at their guitar class thingy (was invited by my boss, Mark, to play with him). While playing , i realized that i saw there were so many slack-jaws arround just admiring what Mark and I could do on the guitar. Having said that, I still didn't think that I'm really that great a player. But what hit me while I was driving back from that thingy was this:

I've been playing for 7-8 years perhaps. And looking back, I have improved and became a better player. Back then it was as such that being able to do barre F chord was like an achievement! haha.. silly me... now, much more complicated things i've been trying to do. And that was when i realized that i AM indeed not bad and like everyone else, always can improve on something. So with that revelation(and sorta burden being lifted) i felt better about myself. And on the same day, in church practice, a break through happened, some of the weird things i tried seemed so much easier, and everything was much smoother.

Moral of the story? If you would take some time to sit down and see how far you've gone and what you've achieved, as well as give yourself a pat on the back for it, you'll be amazed at how much more you can achieve. It's like giving yourself some credit and giving yourself some slack. This really helps to give you that lil boost to get you through a few tough things. Having said that, I do realize too that i can't rest on my laurels and just be proud of what i can do, instead, more things, tricks and weird things await me! :)

On a light note, my mom's coming to kl on sun! Can't wait to meet up with her. It's been sooooo long.... hmmm... perhaps i can get a good treat out of her!!! hahaha... do i hear someone say chilli's? hahaha....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Son, it may come as a surprise to you but I have been following your page and ' keeping' in touch. Your page on Sept 11 showed me how much you have matured over the past 21 years, you know something, your comments touched me so much that here I am to say, "thanks" you made me think how much I have grown since the past seven years as a Christian. I Love You, your pup...

10:40 AM, September 12, 2004  

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