Saturday, August 07, 2004


Know what's the worse thing about playing in a session?

I was kinda playing my guitar to be recorded in one my classes... my coursemates were doing the recording...
so i actually concentrated on the whole thing and paid full attention to what i was playing... those who know me well will know that i have the attention span of a gnat... hahaha...
so i played... and i played.. and i played... and they said that it's a wrap...

when they tried to play it back... actually, they couldn't play it back!! ARRRGH!!! i have no idea what went wrong... but so frustrating... and furthermore i was sight-reading!!! that really sucks...

i'm actually looking forward to tomorrow. am meeting up with an old high school buddy of mine (not to mention jamming partner)... taking him around to check out some guitars... heheh.... drooling at the prospects... can't wait to pick out all the really expensive guitars and start jamming with him....whoooooo.... tangan gatal already...

speaking of jamming... had a great wednesday nightjamming (welll... sorta jamming anyway) with vix... managed to spit out some semblance of a song... can't wait to see what he can do with it... lyrics and melody wise....



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